
Welcome to Puzzlescript Next.

The original PuzzleScript by Increpare is an incredible engine for making puzzle games with the core focus on "pushing stuff around". Hundreds if not thousands of games have been written using this engine.

PuzzleScript Next is your next version of PuzzleScript, 100% upwardly compatible and with all the latest features needed by more advanced developers. Here are the stable release and the preview edition, for trying out new features.

PuzzleScript Next is a combination of the work of many authors:

The documentation is derived from that provided with the original PuzzleScript, PuzzleScriptPlus and Pattern:Script, with considerable editing and reformatting.

There is an underlying assumption that you have already some experience with making PuzzleScript games, and have come here because you want more. Happy to oblige! So what would you be looking for? The big ones are probably these.


Worried about compatibility? Don't be. I guarantee your games from any of these other versions will just work. If they don't, please tell me about it and I'll fix it.

One caveat: if your game came from Pattern:Script the game itself will work but some of the user interface features have not yet been implemented. This includes prelude settings auto_level_titles, game_uri, level_title_style, show_level_title_in_menu and level features title and related level introduction settings.

Development and Contributing

Want to get into modifying the engine to suit your own needs? Be my guest! Everything you need to know is here. You might even want to make a contribution, or just offer a few criticisms or suggestions. If so, I'd really like to hear from you.


Many, many people have contributed to this software. Apart from Increpare, Auroriax and Clement Sparrow, you can find many of the others here.